
The Project

Projeto PME Sustentável aims to enable Portuguese SMEs to respond to the challenges that Directive 2014/95 / EU will entail. This directive, which requires companies to report annually on their risk analysis and effective environmental, social, human rights and anti-corruption practices, applies only to large European companies which are public interest entities and have more than 500 employees.

However, since the Directive recognizes that risks may also arise from the company's supply and subcontracting chains, then the annual financial statement should, if justifiable, also include information on the due diligence procedures applied by companies to the chains supply and subcontracting, ie to its suppliers.

Since large companies have hundreds or even thousands of SMEs as suppliers, this Directive will also be felt by micro and small businesses. Thus, it appears that Portuguese SMEs will be subject to a much greater scrutiny of their sustainable management, both by national clients and by other European countries.

Therefore, in order to help SMEs not to lose customers but to improve their competitiveness and differentiation in the market, the Sustainable SME Project aims to help Portuguese SMEs to anticipate this challenge and to position themselves as sustainable and innovative SMEs, promoters of the green and inclusive economy.

To achieve this goal the project will: develop tools, guides, sustainability reporting templates, training sessions, and an SME support hotline on this subject.

There is a digital platform "Sustainable SME" with all these tools available free of charge and a website in Portuguese / English that will be the "showcase" of Sustainable SMEs in Portugal, that is, that will identify SMEs in Portugal that have published information about their environmental, social, human rights and anti-corruption practices.

Projeto PME Sustentável Project Sheet

Entity: APEE – Associação Portuguesa de Ética Empresarial
Goal: The Sustainable SME aims to enable SMEs based in Central and Northern Europe to respond to the challenges arising from the 2014/95 / EU Directive as suppliers/partners of large companies, enhancing the green economy and more efficient use of natural resources.


Promoter Leader: APEE – Associação Portuguesa de Ética Empresarial
Co-promoters: ISEP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto; CAPITÓLIO – Organização Não Governamental para o Desenvolvimento
Eligible Investment: 318,246.50 Euros
Non-refundable incentive: 270,509.53 Euros
Beginning of the Project: 12-09-2016 | Duration: 24 months